Do you have a friend? I met my best friends in Room 14 last year. My best friends are Kaiya and Memory. They were very nice to me and still are. I know everything about them. Memory’s favourite colours are green, blue, yellow and grey. Kaiya’s favourite colours are light blue and yellow. Kaiya’s favourite food is butter chicken and Memory's favourite food is macaroni and cheese. When I started at Kelvin Road School I was happy to be in the same class as Kaiya and Memory. My friends and I signed up for gymnastics. We learnt lots of skills like forward flips, shoulder stands and back flips. I'm not really good at back flips. Every morning we go on the computer and chat to each other. We go on our on Gmail. We even write things about what we are doing and other stuff. My friends like having fun. We play nicely and are friendly with each other. My friends and I catch up after school. They ask if they can come over to play. I think friends are important because they might feel sad and lonely so it is nice to have someone to talk to. My friends do lots of things for me because they are my best friends. Best friends always help each other and stick together. What I like about my friends is that they are kind and caring. I like friends that are nice to each other. My best friends like soccer which is their favourite sports. That's my favourite sport too. Me and my friends are really kind to Mrs Raman. My friends always help Mrs Raman if she is struggling to find things. Kaiya’s job is to select the litter monitors. She has to give a rubbish bag to the one who is responsible to pick up rubbish. My best friend Memory collects the lunch orders and our fruit and takes the bucket back to the hall. She does that twice a day every day. My job is to pick up litter a few times in the term during lunch time and morning tea. Every Tuesday Whaea Erena does awesome things with us for taha Maori. My friends and I enjoy it with Whaea Erena. On the 14th of August we had a book parade. We had to dress up as our favourite book characters. Kaiya and I dressed up us the three little kittens that lost their mittens. Some of the parents came along to watch. Monday the 17 th of August we went on a train trip with room 18. My best friends were in my group. We took turns using the camera and we finished all our work in the train booklet. Friends are really important and can make you have a lot of fun. I really enjoy school because of my friends.
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For the past 18 months I've been finding it easier to tap into communities
on Medium, the blogging service, and our team have a 'Magazine' blog where
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7 years ago
1 comment:
You sound like my kids. They like friends too! They are very nice to their friends, but I hope that they can lead their friends to good things. Growing up is hard, but GOOD friends can help. It is tough to be a kid, I'm older, but can remember. You seem to be doing a good job!
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